Pubdate: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 Source: Centre Daily Times (PA) Copyright: 2002 Nittany Printing and Publishing Co., Inc. Contact: Details: ECSTASY BILL GOES TO GOVERNOR'S DESK HARRISBURG - Legislation to increase penalties for those convicted of dealing Ecstasy passed the state House on Wednesday and will head to the governor for approval. Sen. Jake Corman, R-Bellefonte, introduced Senate Bill 1431, which would allow judges to sentence those individuals convicted of dealing ecstasy to spend up to 15 years in prison and pay fines up to $250,000. The legislation was introduced after the arrest of four suspects in an Ecstasy drug-dealing ring in March of this year and after a woman died as a result of an Ecstasy overdose in November of 2001. Both incidents took place in Centre County. "This community witnessed a senseless death as a result of this drug," Corman said in a news release. "Ecstasy is a deadly substance that is claiming the lives of teens and college students across the country and right here at Penn State. Those seeking to make big money by dealing this drug should know this: when your caught you will face a long prison sentence and huge fines." The legislation contains a broad definition of the synthetic, psychoactive chemical methylenedioxymeth-amphetamine, or MDMA. The definition includes any isomers, or salts of the drug, even if they are not pure MDMA, but generically similar. If someone is convicted under the legislation, a person would be sentenced to imprisonment or fined based upon the following: =95 Dealing or distributing over 50 tablets or 15 grams; up to 5 years in prison and a fine not exceeding $15,000. =95 Dealing or distributing over 100 tablets or 30 grams; up to 10 years in prison and a fine not exceeding $100,000. =95 Dealing or distributing over 1,000 tablets or 300 grams; up to 15 years in prison and a fine not exceeding $250,000. Ecstasy was declared illegal in the United States in 1985 and is usually sold in the form of pills or capsules, although it is occasionally used in powder form. Along with gamma hydroxybutyrate and rohypnol, Ecstasy is frequently called a "club drug" because of its widespread use at clubs, concerts, and dance parties. The drug causes a temporary feeling of enhanced self-confidence, but it also causes side effects such as hallucinations, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased body temperature, dehydration, sweating and sometimes death. - --- MAP posted-by: SHeath(DPFFlorida)