Pubdate: Tue, 03 Dec 2002
Source: Manila Times (Philippines)
Copyright: 2002, The Manila Times
Author: Ma. Theresa Torres and Cheryl Arcibal


THE Department of Justice would pursue the extradition of Manila Rep. Mark
Jimenez despite reports that the United States government is poised to file
drug charges against him, Justice Secretary Hernando Perez said yesterday.

Perez cited a report that Jimenez or Mario Crespo would be facing drug
charges in the US, but Washington had only provided the DOJ with documents
on the cases pending in court against the lawmaker, including illegal
campaign contribution, wire fraud and tax evasion that were used in filing
the extradition case.

For his part, Jimenez dropped the name of former US President Bill Clinton
to defend himself from Perez's allegations that he would be facing drug
charges in the US.

In a press statement, Jimenez said that Clinton had trusted him "for a long
time now" as a friend.

"What you are saying is that this former US head of state has had a drug
dealer, money launderer and an all-around fiend for a friend through the
years without his knowledge?" Jimenez asked Perez.

But Jimenez evaded the question regarding the origin of the supposed
$12-million "grease money" that he gave Perez in exchange for his and his
family's safety and protection.

Perez said he received unverified information from US Federal Bureau of
Investigation Director Robert Mueller during their meeting in the US early
this year and part of what they discussed was the status of the extradition
case of Jimenez.

"I asked him (Mueller) why is the US government interested in Mr. Crespo and
he answered me with another question, 'could a person amass this fortune
from buying and selling computers in South America'? "Perez said.

Perez added that Mueller also told him that the cases for tax evasion,
illegal campaign contribution were just the "'tip of the iceberg' because
there are other more serious cases that will be filed against Mr. Crespo."

Meanwhile, the National Bureau of Investigation submitted a confidential
report to the DOJ, saying Jimenez has several pending criminal cases in
various courts under the name Mario Crespo.

In the report, the NBI said Jimenez had five pending estafa cases before
Branch 52 of the Manila Regional Trial Court before he left for the US.

The NBI also reported that Jimenez was discovered to have fake passport.
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