Pubdate: Fri, 06 Dec 2002
Source: Tampa Tribune (FL)
Copyright: 2002, The Tribune Co.
Section: Metro
Author: Stephen Thompson, of the Tribune
Bookmark: (Cocaine)
Bookmark: (Incarceration)


ST. PETERSBURG -- A 41-year-old woman was clinging to life after she leapt 
from the open window of a police cruiser Thursday as two patrol officers 
were transporting her to jail.

Lisa Barbella of 4925 Beach Drive S.E., Apt. D, was in a coma in critical 
condition at Bayfront Medical Center after her escape on the approach to 
Pinellas County Jail on 49th Street.

"We don't know if she's going to live or die," said St. Petersburg police 
spokesman George Kajtsa.

Barbella was stopped at 76th Avenue North and Fourth Street at 2:45 a.m. 
and arrested after officers found crack cocaine in her car, Kajtsa said. 
She kicked and punched at officers until they used pepper spray to subdue 
her and put her in the back of a squad car, Kajtsa said.

Barbella urinated on the seat and continued her tirade, but Kajtsa said the 
officers were able to calm her down. She was handcuffed behind her back and 
strapped in with a seat belt. But because of the odor from the urine and 
pepper spray, the right rear window was left rolled down, Kajtsa said.

As the car approached the jail, Barbella slipped free of the seat belt, and 
leapt out the window, still handcuffed, while the car was moving about 25 mph.

Another police spokesman, Rick Stelljes, said officers are not required to 
keep the windows rolled up in a squad car in the interest of prisoner 
security, but the incident will be reviewed.

In addition to escape and possession of cocaine, Barbella faces charges of 
drunken driving, resisting arrest with violence and two counts of battery 
on a law enforcement officer.
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