Pubdate: Sat, 09 Feb 2002 Source: Denver Post (CO) Copyright: 2002 The Denver Post Corp Contact: Details: Author: Kirk Mitchell BUSH PANNED ON TAX CUTS, ENVIRONMENT 50 Protesters Gather At Convention Center Saturday, February 09, 2002 - Protesters outside the Colorado Convention Center urged President Bush to protect wild lands, legalize "industrial hemp" and dump "Enronomics." "Tax cuts are nothing but a gift to Bush contributors like the people at Enron," Denver freelance writer Dana Parker said while holding a sign reading, "Don't Enronize Social Security." Parker said Bush should restore taxes already rescinded, stop raiding Social Security and forget about passing new tax breaks. She and another friend stood across the street south of the convention center amid a group of boisterous student protesters from East High School, equally upset about the Enron financial debacle. While about 50 protesters waved signs outside, Bush addressed participants in the Cattle Industry Convention and Trade Show inside. The largest protest group was the Sierra Club, which mixed Olympic slogans with environmental goals. "While he is here, the president should look around at the beautiful public lands that are threatened by his shortsighted, Enron-influenced energy policy proposals," said Steve Smith, the club's associate Southwest regional representative. Sign waver Aron Sims Jr., 40, a Denver window washer, preferred not to call the product he wanted legalized "marijuana." "It's industrial hemp," Sims said. "There's a difference." The plant could help turn the economy around, he said. It could be used to produce diesel fuel, electricity and animal feed. "It could also be molded into sculptures," Sims said. Fourteen-year-old Tyler Kirkland didn't ride his bike 2 miles at 6 a.m. to protest. He just wanted to see the president. "I'm a big fan of Bush," Kirkland said. As Bush's motorcade passed in front of the convention center, he waved. "I've never seen a president before in my real life," he said. "My knees started shaking. He looked straight at me and waved. That was pretty cool." - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D