Pubdate: Wed, 11 Dec 2002
Source: Sunstar Pampanga (Philippines)
Copyright: 2002 Sunstar
Author: Ben Pascual
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IT'S a lot of a nonsense, the theory of PNP CIDG Head, Chief Supt. Eduardo
Matillano that the treacherous killing of S/Supt John Campos, former top
agent of the PNP Narcotics Group during the term of Senator Panpilo "Ping"
Lacson as PNP Director General in the early dawn of December 5 at a bulalo
restaurant in Better Living Subdivision in Paranaque City was part of a plot
to destabilize the Arroyo government.

And when talks about destabilization occur, it is always imputed to the
political opposition, most likely directed against Senator Ping in
particular. It is quite a relief that Malacanang did not buy the theory of
Matillano and even dismissed it as a personal speculation of the CIDG chief.

But according to subsequent press reports Matillano had insisted on his
theory despite the thumbs down attitude of the palace on it. I do not know
what prompted Matillano to arrive in such a hasty conclusion, but to my
mind, he probably concocted the idea to gain media mileage and ingratiate
himself deeper to the powers that be for purposes of gaining a higher and
better position and faster promotion in the PNP.

For if we will apply the process of elimination on the possible motives in
the killing of Campos, what will remain is revenge. And who could be the
probable suspect who would want to eliminate Campos because of deep hatred?
Nobody, except Mary Ong alias Rosebud who was publicly humiliated and
devastated when the murdered John Campos declared in a Senate hearing
several months ago that despite his affair with Rosebud, he did not love her
but all happened because of his job as top Narcotics agent of the PNP. It
appeared that he was the official handler of Mary Ong as a civilian agent of
the PNP Narc Group. And even before that Senate hearing, Campos and Rosebud
had already parted ways with the latter hurling all kinds of charges against
the former for his alleged massive drug trafficking to include then PNP
Chief Panfilo "Ping" Lacson. I could only surmise that there is nothing
sweeter for Mary Ong except to see John Campos and Ping Lacson dead since
she was sacked as a civilian agent of the Narc group.

The strongest circumstantial evidence against Rosebud is the statement of
Antonio Cabanban, reported close friend and the only companion of John
Campos when he was riddled with bullets from an M16 rifle. Cabanban said
that days before the killing, Rosebud had been calling Campos via cell
phone, telling him that something worse will happen to him. The other
circumstantial evidence against this spurned woman was her interview with a
radio station barely seven minutes after Campos was killed, accusing Senator
Ping Lacson as the brains behind the liquidation of Campos. For how did she
know something bad had happened to the victim, if she was not monitoring
matters before the killing of her former live-in partner that early dawn in
December 5. And why was she monitoring the movements and whereabouts of John
on that particular evening. I think those are some of the questions that
Rosebud has to answer and explain clearly before the investigators of the
Southern Police District who had already summoned her as a suspect in this
case reportedly on the orders of Malacanang.

Atty. Mike Arroyo did the right thing

By deciding to abort his appointment as special envoy of the President to
OFWs all around the world, FG Mike Arroyo had done a great service to his
wife and the Presidency by delivering them from the barrage of protest and
criticisms not only from political opposition but practically from all
sectors of our society which saw his contemplated appointment to the post as
a plain and simple case of nepotism, which is repugnant to Administrative
Order No. 1 issued by President GMA upon her assumption to office, banning
all relatives by consanguinity and affinity from being appointed to
government plum positions. At least, Atty. Mike Arroyo has still a sense of
delicadeza left in him. I admire him for that.

House arrest for Erap and Jinggoy

This column stands squarely behind the endorsement of the INC, El Shaddai
and other sectors of society led by several senators and congressmen to
place father and son, Erap and Jinggoy under house arrest at their
residences in San Juan, Metro Manila, out of respect and at least for
humanitarian considerations. If realized, this move will certainly develop a
fountain of goodwill among die-hard Erap supporters which the President
needs in her toughest political battle in 2004.
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