Pubdate: Sat, 14 Dec 2002
Source: Traverse City Record-Eagle (MI)
Copyright: 2002 The Traverse City Record-Eagle
Author: Jack Weathers


I am a former Traverse City Police Officer and member of the Traverse
Narcotics Team (TNT) and I am shocked and appalled by the sympathetic
outcries for Judge Gilbert. 

If I were caught smoking marijuana I would have been fired, prosecuted and
given the severest form of punishment allowed by law. What is important to
understand is that I would have deserved it. Police officers and judges have
to be role models in the communities they serve and set the example for
others to follow. They perform vital services to their communities and must
be beyond reproach if the system is going to work.

Whatever your views are toward marijuana and its use, the fact is that it is
a crime to use, possess, sell, or manufacture marijuana. The laws are black
and white and no one, not even a judge, is exempt from these laws. Judge
Gilbert has jailed and fined numerous people for committing the same crimes
that he has confessed to. Yet, he won't be charged or convicted of anything.
This is hypocritical behavior and should not be condoned. Judge Gilbert
should not be allowed to retain his seat on the bench. 

I have read many letters in this newspaper that congratulate Judge Gilbert
for being "honest and forthcoming" about his drug use. This is ridiculous.
He didn't admit to anything until he was caught. A confession after the fact
does not show honesty or integrity. Judge Gilbert knew an investigation
would be conducted and that he would get caught and was simply seeking
damage control.

What message are we sending our kids? The law is the law. A crime is a
crime. These facts should not be determined by one's position in society

Jack Weathers

Traverse City
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