Pubdate: Fri, 13 Dec 2002
Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2002, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Alistair James Dunn
Note: Parenthetical remark by the Sun editor, headline by newshawk


ALLOWING SAFE injection sites anywhere in Toronto is the biggest joke yet! 
As if we don't have enough drug-related crime and murder here, these sites 
will increase them.

The main issue I have with this plan is that it would allow drug dealers 
free rein to continue to sell their poison and the rest of us should be 
"tolerant." My solution? Simple. Hand out special ID cards so the crack or 
heroin junkies can then go to a safe injection site to shoot up or smoke 
the pipe, but give it to them free. This would spell the end for 
money-grubbing, blood-sucking drug dealers because why pay if you can get 
it for free? Why commit the crime, why rob your friends and family, why mug 
old ladies, why rob banks and kill innocent people if you can get it free? 
Of course, it's unlikely to ever happen. Governments support the legal 
system and any actions to lower the crime rate would be met by strong 
opposition from those who rely on crime for their bread and butter.

Alistair James Dunn


(See Christina Blizzard's views) 
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