Pubdate: Mon, 16 Dec 2002
Source: Evening Star, The (UK)
Copyright: 2002, Eastern Counties Newspapers Group Ltd


A SENIOR Stowmarket police officer has revealed that violence is on the 

Inspector Jon Brighton, mid Suffolk sector commander, has revealed the 
latest crime figures for Stowmarket during a town council meeting, covering 
April to November in the market town.

The figures show assaults have jumped from 80 to 95 from the same period 
last year, although the incidents in the town centre Ipswich Street area 
are unchanged.

Inspector Brighton has also revealed that there have been no arrests for 
possession of heroine, crack cocaine or cocaine during the last eight 
months, although possession of ecstasy and cannabis have triggered arrests.

Car thefts had risen from eight to 11 during the eight months, but there 
has been no change in the number of house burglaries and the constabulary 
has seen a fall in thefts from cars and criminal damage.

Inspector Brighton said he was pleased to see significant drops in many 
types of crime in the town.

He said: "Assaults have slightly increased, but there is no indication of 
street violence in Ipswich Street. There has been an increase in assaults 
on police, which is probably because we are policing at night-time outside 
the clubs and fast food shops when they are busy to prevent major disorder.

"I am pleased we do not appear to have a significant class A drugs problem 
in the town, I certainly would not want to see those drugs in Stowmarket."

Town mayor Keith Scarff said: "With the exception of assault the trend is 
mainly downwards. It is worrying that assaults are on the increase."
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MAP posted-by: Beth