Pubdate: Mon, 16 Dec 2002
Source: Robesonian, The (NC)
Copyright: 2002 The Robesonian
Author: Matt Elofson


LUMBERTON -- A third Lumberton corrections officer has been arrested and 
charged with selling drugs. But it's unclear whether or not she sold them 
in the prison.

According to Lumberton Detective Burnis Wilkins, Andrea Campbell, 43, of 14 
Bryant St., faces multiple felony drug charges. Wilkins said Campbell was 
arrested about noon Wednesday as she was leaving Lumberton Correctional 

According to prison Superintendent Emilio Pagan, Campbell is still employed 
at the prison. Pagan said correctional officials are conducting an internal 
investigation. Pagan said Campbell works as a food-service officer.

Campbell was charged with intent to sell and deliver marijuana, possession 
with intent to sell and deliver crack cocaine, possession of crack cocaine 
and maintaining a drug dwelling. She was jailed under $4,000 bail.

Wilkins said $430 cash and an estimated $200 in cocaine were seized from 
Campbell's home when the Lumberton Police Department's Selective 
Enforcement Team searched the home Friday. He said the arrest came as the 
result of a month-long investigation of her home and undercover purchases 
of cocaine from the home.

Campbell is the third prison officer arrested for selling drugs during the 
last month. Robert Edward Woodell and Mark Jacobs were each charged with 
selling drugs inside the prison. Neither is employed at the prison now.

Woodell, who is 26, also was a prison food-service officer. Jacobs, who is 
38, supervised inmates in their dormitories, during recreation and during 
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