Pubdate: Tue, 24 Dec 2002
Source: Kentucky Post (KY)
Copyright: 2002 Kentucky Post


Suspended Friday after he was arrested and charged with selling marijuana 
from his home, Dr. James Alford resigned Monday as head of the Northern 
Kentucky University Foundation. The NKU board of regents has set a special 
meeting for Thursday morning, ostensibly to deal with naming an interim 
successor to Alford.

The agenda says the session is to discuss a single personnel item in a 
closed session.

"I'm sure there will be something related to naming an interim president 
this week," said NKU spokesman Chris Cole.

Until then, foundation board president Clifford Borland is overseeing the 
organization, Cole said.

Alford, 52, was arrested Thursday evening at his condominium in Highland 
Heights after a monthlong investigation by Highland Heights police and the 
Northern Kentucky Drug Strike Force.Undercover officers said they made 
several drug buys from Alford. He sold small quantities of drugs from his 
home, they said, but none of the buyers was connected to the university.

When police raided his home Thursday night, they said they confiscated 
about 12 ounces of marijuana, digital scales and plastic baggies used to 
package the drug, and a .38-caliber revolver.

Alford pleaded not guilty Friday to trafficking in marijuana between eight 
ounces and five pounds, a felony that carries a potential penalty of up to 
five years in prison.

As foundation president and chief executive officer, Alford was praised for 
having one of the top investment strategies in the nation.

He was responsible for managing and investing millions of dollars in 
donations and endowments.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom