Pubdate: Sat, 21 Dec 2002 Source: Traverse City Record-Eagle (MI) Copyright: 2002 The Traverse City Record-Eagle Contact: Details: Author: Hilda Fenstrum Bookmark: ANTICS IN THE COURT I have been following the "antics" of the 86th District Court for a while now. The Sellers trial - I was disgusted. Now this Gilbert thing has come along; his problems are self-inflicted, which might be a good thing for the people of his district. They have brought back the past case of the 86th district corrections officer who was caught in possession of and smoking marijuana. How convenient for him, having his case dismissed after being given 30 days off work! Gilbert's boss said he knew of the alcohol and substance abuse problem - why didn't he force Gilbert to get help? Seems like Judge Haley might have a problem for not taking action and then supporting his return to the bench. When Gilbert comes back as a judge, in any capacity, the court will have set a precedent. Anyone coming before any of the judges in the 86th District Court on first time alcohol or drug offenses should be treated with the same compassion as Gilbert. Twenty-eight day treatment program, no drivers license revoked, no embarrassing drug testing and no criminal record that might create a problem for future employment. For the 86th District Court to do any different would be a travesty of justice. This has also put light on the Tenure Commission. They said if they decided to take any action, it would take months, if not years, to make a decision. Are there so many problems with our Michigan judges they don't. have time to deal with the easy ones? Or is the commission useless and should be disbanded? When Gilbert does come back to sit on the bench, would a person having him hear their case have the option of requesting another judge or ordering Gilbert to submit a drug test before the case is heard? Hilda Fenstrum Copemish - --- MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk