Pubdate: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 Source: Traverse City Record-Eagle (MI) Copyright: 2002 The Traverse City Record-Eagle Contact: Details: Author: Dale Brekke Bookmark: NIX MARIJUANA LETTERS I do not know Judge Gilbert, nor have I ever appeared before him in court, nor do I know anyone who has. While I believe that a judge should abide by the laws that he or she is interpreting, and that breaking those laws reduces his or her credibility, thus their ability to make judgment on those laws, I am not writing to merely state this. The reason I am writing is that I am sick and tired of reading letters in our paper written by anyone with an agenda and the ability to do a Google search on the word marijuana. Letters have come in from different states from people who have no ties to northwest Michigan. These people could care less about our community and how this incident has affected it. All they care about is getting their "legalize marijuana" message out. Judge Gilbert broke the law, plain and simple, and these letters from pro marijuana zealots can't change that, so please do the people who live in the area a favor, and quit printing them. Dale Brekke Traverse City - --- MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk