Pubdate: Fri, 27 Dec 2002
Source: Traverse City Record-Eagle (MI)
Copyright: 2002 The Traverse City Record-Eagle
Author: Scott Johnson


I have followed the Judge Gilbert situation with interest, frustration and
disappointment. I spoke with Gilbert when he was running for district judge
and his ideas and attitudes earned my vote. Last spring when my daughter was
graduating from her school's sixth-grade D.A.R.E. program, Gilbert came to
the school and spoke to the kids. His message was strong and to the point:
If they used alcohol or drugs and ended up in his courtroom, the punishment
would be severe. They needed to remember that there were severe consequences
to breaking the law. 

I still had hope that Judge Gilbert would do the right thing up until the
Monday when he returned to the bench. He has not yet earned that right. He
needs to return to Wayne County, ask to be charged by the district attorney,
plead guilty and serve whatever sentence the judge there imposes. Then, and
only then, has he earned the right to return to the bench here, and he would
return as a much better judge. Any action short of this by Gilbert is an
insult to all of us served by the district court, and it is time to start
the recall campaign.

Scott Johnson

Traverse City
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