Pubdate: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 Source: Palm Beach Post (FL) Copyright: 2002 The Palm Beach Post Contact: Details: Author: Fred Bailey NOELLE BUSH DOESN'T DESERVE ANY LENIENCY Since 1995, Noelle Bush, daughter of the governor, has received seven speeding tickets, been cited for five other traffic violations and been involved in three accidents, according to state motor-vehicle records. Ms. Bush has taken part in drug treatment and rehabilitation programs in the past few years, both in Florida and out of state, sources close to the governor, quoted in recent Post articles, have said. Gov. Bush revealed during his 1998 campaign that one of his three children had a short-term drug problem. That experience led his wife, Columba, to become involved with Informed Families, a statewide drug-education program based in Miami. If you or I were to do what their daughter Noelle has done, we would be punished severely, and so should she. FRED BAILEY Okeechobee - --- MAP posted-by: manny lovitto