Pubdate: Mon, 18 Feb 2002
Source: Guardian, The (UK)
Copyright: 2002 Guardian Newspapers Limited
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


Moves which could see cannabis-based painkillers being made available on 
prescription within two years have been welcomed by patients' groups.

Health Minister Lord Hunt says the use of cannabis derivatives to relieve 
pain in multiple sclerosis sufferers and post-operative patients is being 
referred to the National Institute of Clinical Excellence.

A spokesman for the Multiple Sclerosis Trust has described the move as very 

Trials funded by the Medical Research Council - with the backing of the 
Department of Health and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society - to assess the 
use of cannabinoids in pain relief are already under way.

The results are expected by the end of the year and will be used by Nice in 
carrying out its appraisal of the drugs.

Nicola Russell, from the Multiple Sclerosis Trust said: "The decision to 
refer cannabis to Nice is a positive step.

"The preliminary results of the ongoing clinical tests are very encouraging 
and this is further good news.

"Our members say they have enjoyed great benefits from using cannabis but 
have found themselves prosecuted for possessing it. Action to tackle this 
situation is most welcome."

Multiple sclerosis sufferer Lezley Gibson started smoking cannabis more 
than 10 years ago and says without the drug she would have no quality of life.

Mother-of-one Mrs Gibson, who has been prosecuted for possession of the 
drug and is currently facing similar charges, said: "It will mean people 
who need the medicine like me will be able to get it without being made to 
feel like a criminal."
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