Pubdate: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 Source: Mountain Xpress (NC) Copyright: 2002 Mountain Xpress Contact: Website: Author: Michael Morgan Bookmark: (Incarceration) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) HOW TO EASE THE STATE BUDGET CRUNCH Our state and nation are both in a major budget crunch. Buncombe County District Attorney Ron Moore recently expressed his concern in a Jan. 29 Asheville Citizen-Times article ... [saying] that the prisons are too full to hold any more people, that early release of some offenders is imminent ... and that he is concerned about letting hardened criminals go free ... just because the state has insufficient funds to build and staff more prisons. I agree, in part, with D.A. Moore. There are dangerous, evil people in prison that I do not want released back into society under any circumstances. There are also a great many nonviolent people in prison for nonviolent offenses (such as drug possession or prostitution, etc.) that do not deserve to be there. According to reports from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics office, one in every 37 adults in the United States is either in prison or on some form of probation or parole. Almost everyone knows someone who has been in jail. And certainly, I believe, almost every adult has either smoked pot or knows someone who does. And furthermore, I'll bet you don't consider that person who smokes pot to be a criminal who deserves to go to prison. Yet 65-percent of the people in the federal prison system are there for a drug-related charge. It costs $35,000 a year to keep a prisoner in a minimum-security facility, more as the security levels increase. There are now over 2 million people incarcerated in the United States. That's at least $70 billion per year spent on operating our prisons. That's not counting overseas drug intervention efforts that cause civil wars in those countries. ... That's not counting the costs for Coast Guard and Border Patrol interdiction efforts. That's not counting the DEA, FBI, state and local law enforcement investigation and arrest costs. That's not counting the prosecution and judicial costs - courthouses, judges and courtroom support staff, probation and parole costs, etc. ... That's just the costs to the taxpayer. Think of the financial burdens on the families of the drug-law offenders. Parents and grandparents ... often spend their life's savings and even borrow money to pay legal fees. ... If a dependent family is left behind when a parent is locked up, the remaining family members [often] end up on welfare, costing more taxpayer dollars. Often, the remaining parent's time is so stretched between trying to earn an income and trying to have a personal life that the children grow up unsupervised and risk becoming a new crop of juvenile delinquents ... who also wind up in the prison system. The war on drugs is vicious, unending and pointless. If we released the drug offenders (about half the prison population), we'd save $35 billion a year. How many schools and rehab centers can we build, and how many teachers and counselors can we hire, for $35 billion per year? That's the real solution to the drug problem. The solution to the prison overcrowding/budget problem is also quite simple. Quit prosecuting drug cases! We simply can't afford to waste our resources on a drug policy that is plainly ineffective and grossly unfair. The prosecution's primary objection is: "We can't selectively enforce the law." Bull! It happens every day in every courtroom in the country in every case involving a plea bargain. ... The marijuana growing season will soon be upon us. I urge everyone to get out and practice civil disobedience in protest of the drug laws. Plant marijuana seeds everywhere, especially in public places so that innocent landowners don't get their land confiscated. There aren't enough police to be everywhere at once. A great many of the plants will survive to harvest. Now seems to be the ideal time and situation in which to implement this type of action. The court system is already stretched to the breaking point. There's no budget to hire more court employees. The court system is completely dependent upon plea bargaining to streamline the process and expedite cases. They absolutely cannot handle a huge flood of pot-growing cases who all plead not guilty and demand a time-and-resource-consuming trial by a jury of their peers, who will be unlikely to find the defendant guilty. Even if convicted, it's very unlikely that an active sentence would be imposed because the prisons are over capacity already. ... Another objection I hear to the decriminalization of any drug is: "If drugs were readily available to the general public, more people would become addicts." BULL! Availability of a drug has nothing to do with its consumption. Every convenience and grocery store sells beer, wine and cigarettes, but not everybody is an alcoholic or tobacco smoker. ... Even children in grade schools can get hard drugs like cocaine easier than they can get cigarettes and beer, because drug interdiction efforts are hopeless and there are no controls on who sells the stuff. Historically, prohibition has done nothing but make outlaws and mobsters richer. ... The illegality of drugs actually fuels the whole problem. The illegality causes the high prices. The high prices lead to the crime and violence. You need to understand the drug marketing hierarchy. Simply put, older people sell downward to younger people. The oldest group deals in the massive quantities. They sell truckloads to the next youngest group, who sell pounds to the next lower age group, who sell ounces to high-school kids, who sell nickel and dime bags to the grade-school kids. High school kids learn quickly that they can make more money in one afternoon after school selling bags to their friends than they can make by working all week in McDonald's or some factory. As they grow older, it's in their financial best interest to develop a market in the younger generation. It's a self-perpetuating, self-feeding system and will continue to operate so long as the profit is there to be made. For people who have no desire to grow or consume pot, but who agree with the futility of the drug war, I urge you to sit on juries and find any drug offender not guilty. It's called "jury nullification." ... If we e-mail and write enough letters (feel free to enclose this letter) to our elected officials instructing them not to budget any money for any type of marijuana prosecutions, perhaps we can influence the state-budgeting process. Michael Morgan, candidate for state House of Representatives Swannanoa - --- MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk