Pubdate: Sat, 02 Mar 2002
Source: Messenger-Inquirer (KY)
Copyright: 2002 Messenger-Inquirer
Author: Tina Wedding
Bookmark: (Treatment)


This letter is in response to the Feb. 17 article ("OPD street unit 
tackles city vice") that quoted Sgt. David Thompson lamenting the 
lack of treatment services in Owensboro for addiction. OMHS Addiction 
Services has been open since November 1997. We have eight inpatient 
beds for individuals who require detox, and provide day treatment, 
intensive outpatient, and individual outpatient services. Since our 
opening we have never had to turn any detox patients away due to lack 
of space. We have had up to 22 patients at once in the day treatment 
program. During our last state survey it was noted that we had the 
largest aftercare in Kentucky. Although some have reservations 
regarding the day treatment model and believe that an out-of-town 
residential program is best, both the literature and our experience 
tell us that day treatment is effective because patients can use 
treatment recommendations in real life settings with their family, 
friends, and employers. Patients and their families experience less 
disruption in their lives. Many can continue to work while attending 
treatment. We have very strong support in the local 12-step community 
and rely on our volunteers to demonstrate the serenity that comes 
from living by 12-step principles.

We are heartened by the latest developments both with the OPD Street 
Crimes Unit and the more recent drug court. Many addicted individuals 
do not realize their problem until they receive a consequence as 
momentous as an arrest. We hope the OPD Street Crimes Unit continues 
with its vital work, and want to be part of the recovery process for 
anyone affected by addiction.

Tina Wedding L.C.S.W., C.A.D.C.

Owensboro Mercy Health System Addiction Services
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MAP posted-by: Josh