Pubdate: Mon, 04 Mar 2002
Source: News-Enterprise, The (KY)
Copyright: 2002 News-Enterprise
Author: Terry L Reams


I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for Brian 
Walker's recent series of articles regarding methamphetamine and its use in 
our area. As the director of Communicare's Alcohol and Drug Services, I 
have the administrative responsibility for alcohol and drug programming, 
including prevention, intervention and treatment. In that capacity, I have 
learned that the impact of using substances such as these has long-lasting 
effects on individuals. But a series such as this, although enlightening 
individuals to the hazards of one chemical, only scratches the surface with 
regard to the impact that drugs are having on our community, our state and 
our nation.

While no city or town is immune, local communities are perhaps more 
vulnerable to these influences, if for no other reason than they are 
inviting and easily accessible. Not only do they attract influences that 
every town wants, but they also invariably become inviting to things 
unwanted. Because of our location, our region is one that sees a variety of 
drugs. Besides methamphetamines, drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and 
painkillers are additional problems our community faces. If you take all of 
that into consideration, it's no wonder that a series of articles 
identifying these problems is timely and needed.

There are particular groups that I hope have read these articles and begin 
to want to stop using alcohol and drugs - namely, pregnant women and 
adolescents. While anyone suffering from alcohol or drug abuse or 
dependency needs and deserves help, we know there are people in these 
groups who have additional barriers to getting this help. I would invite 
anyone to realize that help is only a phone call away.

Again, thanks to Mr. Walker and your newspaper for a timely series of articles.

Terry L. Reams

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