Pubdate: Thu, 07 Mar 2002
Source: Daily Press (VA)
Copyright: 2002 The Daily Press
Author: Mathew Paust


Would-Be Football Players To Attend Education Sessions

NEW KENT -- New Kent High School students who want to play sports this fall 
will have to spend a couple of hours learning about the dangers of drug abuse.

Superintendent Roy Geiger said Wednesday the drug-education program is 
being set up to begin in August for students trying out for football.

The School Board flirted briefly last year with the idea of requiring 
would-be athletes to be tested for the presence of illegal drugs.

School officials looked at drug-testing programs in force in Lynchburg and 
Salem -- one voluntary and one mandatory. Lynchburg's mandatory program was 
considered a safety measure to help protect athletes against injuries or 
other health problems.

Geiger said officials were concerned about the effectiveness of a testing 
program because:

It would only apply to students participating during a particular sport's 

Legally, Geiger said, only athletes can be required to submit to drug 
testing, because participation in sports is voluntary.

Testing would be time-consuming for school staff.

The program would not be effective for alcohol abuse.

Geiger said alcohol is a more likely drug of choice for New Kent students 
than cocaine or heroin.

Alcohol doesn't stay in the blood as long as the other drugs, so a student 
could drink on the weekend and pass the test on Monday, he explained.

Geiger said he consulted with Harry Ward, Mathews County School 
Superintendent, about that school system's plan to start a voluntary 
drug-testing program for its student body. Mathews dropped the plan after 
learning that such testing might be unconstitutional.

The New Kent School Board dropped the idea of testing athletes as well.

"At the same time, the School Board wanted to send a statement about how 
important it is for students not to place themselves in these risky 
situations," Geiger said.

The school system already has drug-education programs, including a series 
of senior seminars in the high school in which parents with medical 
backgrounds talk to the students about drugs, he noted.

The program for athletes, he said, will build on that foundation.
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