Pubdate: Fri, 08 Mar 2002
Source: Greensboro News & Record (NC)
Copyright: 2002 Greensboro News & Record, Inc.
Author: Molly McGinn, Staff Writer
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LEXINGTON -- Davidson County's district attorney is preparing a request to 
clear the drug conviction of a local man because he says his arresting 
officers planted the evidence.

This is the first case District Attorney Garry Frank is seeking to overturn 
since he began reviewing more than 70 charges linked to the arrest of three 
former Davidson County deputies who were charged with drug trafficking.

Frank said he has information that drugs were planted on Darick Owens 
during his arrest in September 2000.

Owens pleaded no contest in November 2000 for selling the club drug 
Ecstasy, possessing marijuana-rolling papers and baggies, and using his 
1989 Chevrolet Beretta to sell drugs.

The Thomasville resident spent 50 days in jail before being sentenced to 
two years' probation, which ends in November.

Owens could not be reached for comment.

Lt. David Scott Woodall, Lt. Douglas Edward Westmoreland and Sgt. William 
Monroe Rankin were arrested in December and were later charged with 
distributing 220 pounds of marijuana, 11 pounds of cocaine, anabolic 
steroids and Ecstasy.

The men pleaded guilty Thursday to conspiracy and drug charges.

Woodall was listed as a witness in Owens' arrest.

The request will be filed and heard as soon as possible, Frank said.

"In this case, the state is going in and presenting evidence to the court 
in the interest of justice," Frank said. "It's the first one where all the 
factors have fallen into place, and we feel there is merit (to our 
statements)," Frank said.

A convicted Lexington drug dealer has asked for a new trial because the 
same three deputies arrested him. And prosecutors already have dropped more 
than two dozen pending cases.

George Branham Jr., 18, was sentenced to 14 years in prison last year after 
a jury convicted him of possession and trafficking of LSD.

According to court documents filed by Branham's attorney, Georgia Nixon, 
the jailed deputies were witnesses against Branham during his trial.

Contact Molly McGinn at 883-4422, Ext. 248, or  ---
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