Pubdate: Sun, 10 Mar 2002
Source: Scotland On Sunday (UK)
Copyright: 2002 The Scotsman Publications Ltd.
Author: Camillo Fracassini
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


THE legalisation of cannabis was adopted as official Liberal Democrat 
policy last night.

Going against the advice of the party's own policy group - which had wanted 
to decriminalise the drug - members voted in favour of all-out legalisation.

They also approved calls at their spring conference in Manchester for 
doctors to be given the power to prescribe heroin to addicts.

Last night, the party's home affairs spokesman, Simon Hughes, said the 
decision had not been taken lightly.

Delegates at the conference had been presented with a paper, supported by 
senior figures in the party, calling for the effective decriminalisation of 
the drug.

Under the proposals, people in possession of the class B drug would no 
longer be imprisoned.

But delegates opted to go one step further and back legalisation, a policy 
that will now have to be included in the party's manifesto at the next 

They also voted at the conference to accept a second amendment calling for 
doctors to be given the power to prescribe heroin to addicts.

Speaking after the decision, Hughes said: "This isn't a rush of blood to 
the head, we have taken two years to look at the evidence.

"My experience is that people who have had the tragedy of drugs come into 
their lives know that the current law doesn't work and they want another 

Hughes acknowledged that the party would have to persuade the electorate of 
the merits of its position.

"We have to go out and sell the message," he said.

Charles Kennedy, the party's leader, said that having the confidence and 
maturity to discuss the legal status of cannabis did the party "no harm".
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