Pubdate: Sun, 10 Mar 2002
Source: News & Observer (NC)
Copyright: 2002 The News and Observer Publishing Company
Author: Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Staff Writer
Bookmark: (Corruption)
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Cocaine)


Police Don't Expect To Reopen His Cases

RALEIGH -- Police arrested one of their own Saturday.

Officer Michael Brown II, 30, of Wendell was charged with maintaining a 
dwelling for the use of a controlled substance and possession of cocaine 
and marijuana, according to Wake magistrate's records. Arrested with him 
was his wife, Florence Olivia Brown, 29, who faces the same charges.

The two were discovered with what Raleigh police officers described in 
court records as trace amounts of cocaine and less than one-half ounce of 
marijuana at their Wendell home Saturday at 7201 Strymon Court.

Brown is a patrol officer who has worked for the department for four years, 
Maj. C.E. Lewis said. Brown was placed on paid administrative leave pending 
the outcome of the investigation, Lewis said.

Lewis said police had been investigating Brown for some time and searched 
his home Saturday, uncovering the drugs that led to the couple's arrest. He 
said no other drugs were found, and no other arrests were made in 
connection with the search.

Lewis said the department does not anticipate reopening any of Brown's 
cases as a result of the charges.

"Just like anybody else, they're innocent until proven guilty," Lewis said.

Lewis said internal affairs investigators -- D.K. Murphy and K.S. Swinson, 
according to magistrate's records -- conducted the house search.

State Bureau of Investigation agent M.R. Parker witnessed the search, 
according to magistrate's records.

Police Chief Jane Perlov was out of town and unavailable for comment 
Saturday, said City Manager Russell Allen, who referred all questions to 
the department. Investigators at the SBI did not return calls Saturday.

The Browns were taken to Wake County jail Saturday and released on $5,500 
bail each. They returned to a sprawling new development south of N.C. 97. 
Children's chalk drawings covered the driveway of their two-story home, 
where a black late-model Lexus sat beside two new pickup trucks Saturday 

Florence Brown answered the door but declined to comment on the charges 
against her and her husband. She said Michael Brown was not at home.

Neighbors on the cul-de-sac said they knew the Browns but not well. They 
said the couple moved in last fall, and they knew Mike Brown was a police 
officer. "I just met them the other day," said Bob Hagevik of 7204 Strymon 

Hagevik said he never noticed any unusual activity at the Brown home when 
he walked his dog. "And I take her out late in the evening," Hagevik said.

He and others said they were unaware of the couple's arrest.

The Browns are due in court at 9 a.m. Monday.
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