Pubdate: Sun, 10 Mar 2002
Source: Independent on Sunday (UK)
Copyright: Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd.
Author: Andrew Johnson and Sophie Goodchild
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


Nine o'clock on Friday night and Brixton high street is buzzing. Everyone 
is on their way home or on their way out for the night. But just a minute's 
walk away, in Coldharbour Lane, there is another group of people who are 
not going anywhere: the dealers. Hoods up against the cold, they lean 
against shuttered shop fronts and railings, checking out the passers-by.

Coldharbour Lane has always been the place to go in Brixton if you want to 
buy drugs. Since last summer, the drug trade has become a lot more visible. 
In a 100-yard stretch, there are at least 20 people carrying out "business".

Nine months ago Lambeth police announced that possession of cannabis for 
personal use would no longer be an arrestable offence. Officers were 
frustrated at wasting valuable time hauling people off the streets when 
they could be arresting cocaine and heroin dealers instead. So they decided 
on a new approach: officers would just hand out on-the-spot warnings.

December last year was the original expiry date for the scheme but senior 
Met officials were so impressed they urged colleagues in Brixton to carry 
on for the time being. Whether residents in the area are as impressed as 
the police will become clear next month. This is when the Police Foundation 
is expected to publish its findings.

Talent Mundy Castle, 48, runs a fruit and vegetable stall. "When it 
[cannabis] was secretive people were violent," he said. "Now the number of 
muggings has reduced. This was the most dangerous part of Brixton. You 
couldn't stand here for long without being attacked. I don't smoke but my 
husband does. He is 96."

An off-duty policewoman, who did not want to be named, has lived in Brixton 
for five years. She said: "I am new to the Lambeth force and wasn't here 
before the experiment started but it has saved an enormous amount of time 
in paper-work. I'd prefer not to hassle people for smoking cannabis. I have 
lived here for five or six years, and everybody knows that people smoke it 
and that it doesn't bother anybody."
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager