Pubdate: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 Source: Daily Review, The (LA) Copyright: 2002 Morgan City Newspapers, Inc. Contact: Details: SCHOOL BOARD OKS DRUG DOG PURCHASE A drug-sniffing dog was purchased Thursday for $5,300 by the St. Mary Parish School Board to replace its predecessor, which recently died. St. Mary Parish Sheriff's Department Deputy Melissa Lee, who serves as school system liaison, appealed to the board for funding to purchase the animal. In addition to finding drugs, the dog also is used to perform random searches for weapons or other illegal items. Lee said the dog, which was loaned to the school system by the Patterson Police Department, was valuable in confiscating the contraband. She said the PPD made the dog available whenever needed to conduct random searches. Dogs owned by police departments in Morgan City and Franklin were not as accessible, she said. The $5,300 cost will buy a dog fully trained to perform a variety of searches within the schools. The dog will be housed and fed by the Patterson Police Department's K-9 patrolman, Lee said. A motion to purchase the dog passed without opposition at the monthly board meeting. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth