Pubdate: Tue, 19 Mar 2002
Source: Times, The (UK)
Copyright: 2002 Times Newspapers Ltd
Author: Richard Ford


BRITAIN'S most senior openly homosexual police officer was removed from his 
post temporarily yesterday after allegations that he had smoked cannabis 
and had allowed the drug to be used at his home.

Commander Brian Paddick, 43, was switched to non-operational duties while 
an investigation is held into the claim that he allowed cannabis to be 
smoked in his home.

The inquiry, to be led by a force outside the Metropolitan Police, is also 
to inquire into an allegation that he failed to tell his superiors that his 
male partner was at one time on bail facing fraud charges (which never came 
to court).

Mr Paddick was moved after urgent talks between Sir John Stevens, the 
Metropolitan Police Commissioner, and the Metropolitan Police Authority. He 
is to work at Scotland Yard on territorial policing issues until the issue 
is resolved.

Mr Paddick, head of Lambeth police in South London, was moved from his post 
hours after claiming that he was the victim of a homophobic witchhunt 
within the Metropolitan Police and saying that he was determined to clear 
his name. Chief Superintendent Brian Moore, his deputy, will take over his 
day-to-day duties at Lambeth.

Mr Paddick made a brief statement outside Brixton Police Station. 
"Obviously, I'm very disappointed to be leaving Lambeth, albeit 
temporarily,"  he said. He refused to answer questions about the 
allegations against him.

His departure comes after weeks of controversy over a pilot drugs policy in 
Lambeth in which cannabis users are warned and the drug confiscated rather 
than the users being charged, and remarks made by Mr Paddick on the 
Internet in which he said he was attracted to the idea of anarchy.

The controversy follows allegations by James Renolleau, with whom he had a 
five-year relationship that ended acrimoniously in 2000. Mr Renolleau, 36, 
alleged in The Mail on Sunday that Mr Paddick had smoked at least 100 
joints with him and had engaged in casual gay sex. Mr Paddick has denied 
ever smoking cannabis, but told the newspaper that Mr Renolleau had smoked 
cannabis at the home they shared.

Lord Harris of Haringey, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Authority, 
said the inquiry was based purely on the serious allegations that had been 
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