Pubdate: Wed, 20 Mar 2002
Source: Daily News (KY)
Copyright: 2002 News Publishing LLC
Author: Steve Gaines


Steve Pence, U.S. attorney for the western district of Kentucky, talked to 
about 150 people this morning at Downing University Center on combating 
terrorism and drug use. Pence, speaking at the CrimeStoppers annual 
Eye-Opener Breakfast, said terrorism can be stopped with help from the 
government and people.

"My top priority in the western district is combating terrorism," Pence 
said. "Law enforcement can't win the battle on terrorism unless citizens 
get involved."

Pence addressed other issues as well.

"Beyond fighting terrorism, we want to win the war on drugs," Pence said. 
"Methamphetamine is a growing problem in this district and CrimeStoppers is 
doing its part to shoot down meth labs."

He said that as meth labs are on the rise, there are currently five 
counties receiving extra funds to combat them.

"We are working to add six additional counties - Warren County being one of 
them - to combat this growing problem," he said.

Those attending the breakfast were impressed with Pence.

"It's an honor to have a man of his stature here in Bowling Green," Bowling 
Green resident Doug Frint said.

Former Bowling Green airport board member Jim Breece said these type of 
meetings are good for the community.

"Events like this are what makes our community a safe place to live," 
Breece said. "CrimeStoppers is a very good organization with some very 
important goals."

CrimeStoppers' Law Enforcement Officer Barry Pruitt announced that 
CrimeStoppers has assisted in solving 845 crimes in southcentral Kentucky 
since 1989. It has also resulted in more than $260,000 in recovered stolen 
property and the seizure of stolen drugs.

The breakfast serves as CrimeStoppers' primary fund-raising event and 
enables the organization to serve the community through the payment of 
monetary rewards for tips.
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MAP posted-by: Alex