Pubdate: Thu, 21 Mar 2002
Source: Mirror, The (UK)
Copyright: 2002 The Mirror
Author: Steve Dennis
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


A POT-smoking teacher nicknamed Mr Spliffy has been suspended for 
allegedly encouraging children to use the drug.

Private school biology tutor Trevor Andrews, 46, was also arrested 
and cautioned for growing cannabis at his home.

Three weeks ago four pupils were expelled and 18 suspended from his 
school after a dope probe. Yesterday, roll-up puffing Mr Andrews 
said: "I'm not promoting pot, but nor am I discouraging it. The 
school message is that cannabis is bad. That's wrong. Children need 
both sides of the argument."

He claimed the suspended pupils were just a few of those using dope 
and added: "I can hardly promote cannabis where it's already 

He said there were at least six drug dealers still at UKP 
6,000-a-year Bradford Grammar School. But he added: "Although there's 
a problem, I'm not naming names." Dad-of-three Mr Andrews was 
suspended after police found five cannabis plants at his home.

He was also questioned by senior staff about claims that he used the 
f-word in class.

A source at the leading school, to be visited by Prince Philip in 
July, said: "How can we suspend pupils over cannabis while employing 
a teacher who encourages its use?"
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