Pubdate: Thu, 21 Mar 2002
Source: Richmond Review, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2002 Richmond Public Library
Author: Martin van den Hemel


A Richmond man has pled guilty to the aggravated assault of a 48-year-old 
woman during a botched home invasion of a marijuana growing operation in 
October 2000.

Ryan Ray Reeves entered a guilty plea in Richmond provincial court to 
robbery and aggravated assault on Thursday and is scheduled to have a 
pre-sentencing report completed before sentencing.

Reeves along with friends Jason Porter and Gregory Turner broke into 10000 
No. 2 Road during the early morning hours after a night of drinking. After 
breaking in through the back door they came face-to-face with an older 
woman who had been sleeping there.

The woman was severely beaten, suffering a fractured skull and bruising to 
her face and body. She was also sexually assaulted.

Porter and Turner both entered guilty pleas to robbery and avoided jail. 
They claimed Reeves was the one who hatched the plot.

Despite the violence and the screaming, Porter and Turner continued to 
search the house for the grow-op, also removing a television, CD player and 
karaoke machine.

By the time police arrived, Porter and Turner had fled. They were nabbed a 
short distance away thanks to an alert RCMP officer who spotted the pair 
inside a taxi cab that was leaving the scene.
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