Pubdate: Mon, 25 Mar 2002
Source: Kentucky Standard, The (KY)
Copyright: 2002 The Kentucky Standard.
Authors: Alan and Eleanor Randell


To the editor: This letter is regarding the editorial, "Paper takes FBI to 
task, wins apology," in the March 14 issue. "The marijuana bust by Kentucky 
State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation last week netted over 
1,000 plants at a residence on Stonehouse Road - we were there." And we all 
know why you were there, the police told you about the raid beforehand. 
While I congratulate you for not allowing the FBI to walk all over you, I 
do hope you stop acting as their public relations department and writing up 
laudatory accounts of cops committing mayhem at the homes of innocent drug 
users. There exists today an Axis of Evil that must be broken.

No, I'm not talking about Iran, Iraq and North Korea, I'm talking about our 
politicians and our media, who are scheming together to ensure that our 
shameful drug laws receive general support amongst the people. Let's begin 
at the beginning.

Why do governments prohibit certain drugs? Is it to protect users from harm?

No, that can't be the reason because users suffer more (adulterated drugs 
and jail time) when a drug is banned as compared to when it is legally 

My wife and I became well acquainted with this aspect of government policy 
when we lost our 19-year-old son to street heroin in 1993. Besides, two of 
our more dangerous drugs, alcohol and tobacco, are legal. Is it to reduce 
the crime associated with illegal drugs? No, that can't be the reason 
because banning a drug always gives rise to more crime (drug cartels, petty 
crimes by users as prohibition makes drug prices much higher, violent 
disputes between dealers) than when the drug is legally available. Is it to 
distract attention away from more important issues by conducting a brutal, 
Hitler-like pogrom, first to ostracize and then to destroy the innocent few 
who ingest or sell certain drugs - with the additional "benefit" of 
allowing our politicians and cops, along with their media sycophants, the 
pleasure of strutting and swagger before us as they promise to ride out 
like St. George and slay the fearsome and deadly dragon of drugs while 
sticking the taxpayer with the cost of bigger budgets and free drugs for 
our police officers? Bingo. How did this happen?

How did the politicians win our approval, or at least our acceptance, of 
such a manifestly evil crusade?

The answer?

The media, in two ways. First, the media immerse us in such a torrent of 
matter-of-fact, "objective" accounts of the mayhem without allowing the 
victims' stories to be told so that we become inured to their plight and 
are persuaded that "they only have themselves to blame"? Second, the media 
never miss an opportunity to allow those who profit from the drug laws 
(cops, drug "experts," DAs, politicians, etc. - but especially the cops) to 
tell their stories over and over, while allowing only the occasional letter 
or op-ed article from those who oppose the law. Why do the media support a 
brutal government pogrom like our drug laws? I can only surmise that 
tragedy, suffering and war sell more newspapers and attract higher TV 
ratings than happiness, contentment and peace. How should we describe the 
relationship between politicians who engage in such a loathsome pogrom and 
the media that support it? Axis of Evil sounds about right to me.

Alan and Eleanor Randell, Victoria, BC, Canada
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