Pubdate: Tue, 26 Mar 2002
Source: Essex Evening Gazette (UK)
Copyright: 2002 This Is Essex
Author: Martin Buxton
Cited: Legalise Cannabis Alliance -


Plans to open Essex's first cannabis cafe have been narrowed down to near 
Witham's Humber Road estate. Reporter Michael Powell asked residents what 
they thought of the idea.


But not everyone is against the idea of a Dutch-style pot smoking den being 
opened in Witham.

Last week, we told how a mystery investor was keen to open a cannabis cafe 
in the town.

And now Chris Philbin, a member of the Legalise Cannabis Alliance, who 
wants to manage the cafe, has confirmed the proposed site is an empty unit 
at the Spa Road shops, near the Humber Road estate.

The coffee shop could be one of more than a dozen around the country if the 
Government implements plans to downgrade cannabis from a Class B to Class C 

Mr Philbin believes the cafe could be a community resource and would keep 
youngsters off the streets.

He said: "There's an empty property in the local parade of shops and one 
reason I'd be interested in taking it over is so that you could have a 
community cafe on the estate.

"It would keep the youngsters off the streets and away from alcohol."

What do you think?

Traders Give Mixed Reaction

Witham residents and traders have given a mixed reaction to the plan.

Daren McGory, 25, said: "I  think it would be a good idea for this sort of 
area -it's better than drink, especially for the youngsters."

David Shaw, 22, said: "While it's not legal, it's something that shouldn't 
happen but I can see why people want to have it legalised - I wouldn't use 
a cannabis cafe personally. but it's not going to cause much more trouble 
than a pub would."

However, Michael Watson, 56, said: "I have arthritis and they say it helps 
but it's dope and I wouldn't want anything to do with it. "I don't agree 
with it full stop. Alcohol is a drug and so is dope."

Joanne Hamilton-Barr 20, said: 'You get a bunch of kids who hang around 
here anyway causing problems for people, it's a terrible idea."

Jan Greenway, 50, who runs an antiques business at Spa Road shops, said: 
"If it goes there I'll give my lease up and so will everybody. "Apart from 
anything they will be getting into cars and causing accidents. "Whatever 
goes there has to have the OK from all the other shops and there's no way 
it will."

And Glenda Nammukonda, 38, a pharmacist, said: 'There would be people 
sitting next door smoking when we're trying to stop people from smoking 
"Hash isn't a problem as such but my concern is that it's smoking and it's 
bad for your lungs." The people next door would be doing it for leisure not 
to relive Pain, it's totally different."

Essex Police have previously reiterated that cannabis is an illegal 
substance and that those found possessing or using it will be dealt with 
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MAP posted-by: Beth