Pubdate: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 Source: Daily Gazette (NY) Copyright: 2002 The Gazette Newspapers Contact: Details: Author: Charles Lane, Washington Post TOP COURT UPHOLDS EVICTIONS BY HUD Tenants Had Filed Suit Over Federal Agency's 'One-Strike' Drug Policy WASHINGTON - Upholding the federal government's "one strike and you're out" drug policy for low-income housing projects, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a public housing tenant may be evicted if any member of his or her household, or a guest, is caught using illegal drugs - even if the tenant was unaware of the drug use. The case originated in 1998 with a federal lawsuit by four evicted public housing tenants from Oakland, Calif., including Pearlie Rucker, 63, a great-grandmother whose mentally disabled daughter was arrested for crack cocaine possession near their apartment complex. - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart