Pubdate: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 Source: Dallas Morning News (TX) Copyright: 2002 The Dallas Morning News Contact: Details: Author: William Miller Bookmark: (Terrorism) BUSH'S HYPOCRISY Re: "Government seeks limit on medical privacy rights," March 22. After reading that the Bush regime is dropping the requirement at the heart of federal rules protecting the privacy of medical records, something now has to be done to curtail this hypocrisy. This ruling, favored by the insurance companies, greatly decreases the public's ability to control dissemination of their personal medical records. This is hypocritical considering that George W. Bush sent the papers he generated as Texas governor to his daddy's library so the papers fall under tighter federal disclosure regulations instead of Texas law. He also ordered keeping Ronald Reagan's presidential papers from public disclosure, including those covering Mr. Bush's father and members of the current administration's senior staff. Mr. Bush runs anti-drug ads on TV showing a link between illegal drug usage and terrorism. I don't condone the use of illegal drugs, but since most of the Sept. 11 hijackers came from wealthy Saudi Arabian families, the question must be asked, what is the source of that wealth? (Answer: Oil purchased by the United States.) So why isn't the Bush administration linking use of gas-guzzling vehicles with terrorism? Check out daddy Bush's connection with the Carlyle Group and Dubya's oil ties. There's more to being a president than dropping bombs on a Third World nation. William Miller, Duncanville - --- MAP posted-by: Josh