Pubdate: Sun, 07 Apr 2002
Source: Daily Home, The (AL)
Copyright: 2002 Consolidated Publishing


If local law enforcement patrols of Interstate 20 needed any validation, 
try no less than three major drug seizures by both police and sheriff's 
patrols - in a week's time.

The latest example of police presence paying off was the discovery of some 
$400,000 worth of cocaine Friday when St. Clair Deputy Roy Mullins stopped 
a vehicle on the interstate with an expired tag.

Before that, Riverside police seized 213 pounds of marijuana worth $615,000 
and on an earlier stop, the same department netted another 13 pounds of 
marijuana and $115,000 in cash.

Up and down the heavily traveled interstate, lawmen are stepping up 
patrols, mainly out of a push to make I-20 traffic safer. But what they are 
quickly discovering is that not only is the highway a thoroughfare for 
traffic danger, it's a thoroughfare for trafficking drugs as well.

There are some in the Legislature who want to continue to limit local law 
enforcement's ability to stop vehicles, outlawing specifically the ability 
to stop a vehicle for speeding.

Now local officers are patrolling the interstate on a more regular basis, 
stopping vehicles for a variety of other offenses and what they are finding 
is something more than a traffic violation.

Since state troopers have increased their presence in concert with local 
law enforcement, serious accidents are decidedly down and drug arrests are up.

We continue to support the increase in law enforcement presence along I-20. 
The benefits are obvious.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens