Pubdate: Mon, 15 Apr 2002
Source: Duluth News-Tribune (MN)
Copyright: 2002 Duluth News-Tribune


MADISON -- Tomah Mayor Ed Thompson won the endorsement of the Libertarian 
Party in the race for governor after cracking up the delegates with tales 
of his rough life.

At one point, the former blacktop-layer, snowplow driver and boxer in 
"Toughman'' contests recalled being so broke a decade ago that he sometimes 
ate dog treats.

"They were the kind called 'Bonz,' '' Thompson told about 100 supporters. 
"They're good dunkers, by the way. I was fighting with the dog over the 
last one.''

Thompson, the brother of former Gov. Tommy Thompson and owner of a Tomah 
nightclub, said his experiences make him uniquely qualified to take over a 
state government with a $1.1 billion budget shortfall.

Steve Dasbach, executive director of the national party, flew in from 
Washington, D.C., to rally support and give Thompson a $1,000 donation.

He said Thompson gives the party a legitimate chance to win a governor's 

"He's the best shot that I've seen in my 23 years in the party,'' Dasbach 
said. "Wisconsin is ripe for a strong independent bid.''

The state Republican and Democratic parties will hold their conventions in 
June in Green Bay and Madison, respectively.

Thompson said the state should have frozen its spending last year to avoid 
its current deficit.

"I know I don't have all the answers and don't pretend to,'' Thompson said. 
"But I'll work the hardest.''

On various issues:

Thompson called for legalizing marijuana for sick people. He said he 
supports lowering the drinking age to 18 for high school graduates and to 
19 for nongraduates.

Thompson said Wisconsin citizens should be able to carry concealed weapons 
under certain conditions.

He said state-imposed revenue caps on school districts and limits on 
teacher salaries "aren't working.''
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart