Pubdate: Fri, 19 Apr 2002
Source: Tampa Tribune (FL)
Section: Metro, page 1
Copyright: 2002, The Tribune Co.
Author: Stephen Thompson


Dealer Who Ran Ice Cream Shop Is Licked, They Say

ST. PETERSBURG - Here's the scoop on what an accused drug dealer did with 
money he made selling cocaine and marijuana, investigators say:

He opened an ice cream parlor - down the street from the police station.

Police officers, including an undercover vice and narcotics detective 
wearing a mask to conceal his identity, showed up at Devonche's Delites on 
Thursday, about a week after the arrest of Michael Henry Thomas.

Armed with a warrant, the officers began seizing what they said were the 
fruits of Thomas' drug operation, including a fast-grilling machine, a 
microwave oven and a deep-fat fryer. Devonche's Delites, 1431 Central Ave., 
featured hot food, such as chili dogs, and several flavors of ice cream.

Thomas, 32, admitted he had no source of income other than dealing drugs, 
according to the search warrant, and he admitted starting Devonche's 
Delites, and keeping it afloat, from the dealing he did from an apartment.

According to Social Security records, Thomas made less than $3,000 from 
1997 through 2000, the warrant says. And a Wage and Hour report from the 
state shows him reporting no income since 1998.

But this month, St. Petersburg vice and narcotics investigators raided 
Thomas' apartment at 3220 Sixth St. S. and seized more than $50,000 and 
jewelry. Five vehicles also have been confiscated as a result of the 
nine-month investigation.

Though investigators aren't willing to give back those nonperishable items, 
they expected to give Thomas, who is free on bail, a call Thursday to see 
whether he wanted to pick up 13 tubs of ice cream before they spoil.

If that doesn't work, investigators might give the ice cream to charity.
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