Pubdate: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 Source: Washington Times (DC) Copyright: 2002 News World Communications, Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Matthew Hogg Referenced: PROHIBITION MAKES POPPIES PROFITABLE In your April 16 front-page story "Afghan poppy growers settle in for long struggle," our drug czar John Walters claims that the opium trade funds terrorists. What he consistently fails to mention is that opium only funds terrorists because it is illegal and, therefore, incredibly profitable. Terrorists do not make money by selling beer or tobacco because these drugs are legally traded and do not have the enormous profit margin of the illegal ones. If we were to go so far as to outlaw milk, Mr. Walters can rest assured that terrorists and other criminals would reap huge financial rewards peddling illegal dairy products. MATTHEW HOGG Burlington, Vt. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens