Pubdate: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 Source: Cambridge Reporter, The (CN ON) Copyright: 2002 The Cambridge Reporter Contact: Details: Author: Lyle Howard Seave, David Findlay Referenced: DID GOD ERR WHEN HE CREATED POT? As an Orthodox Christian whose church has been around for 2,000 years, I am always disturbed when people like Erika Kubassek (God Opposes Pot Smoking, April 12) claim to speak God's word in order to justify their own intolerance. Yes, those pseudo-clerics she talked about could have refrained from using the words "comfort of God" but it still remains that the cannabis plant is a creation of God. Is Kubassek saying that God made an error when He created the plant? Many scholars and etymologists agree that the Hebrew term qhaneh bosm, or kaneh bosm (or fragrant cane), from Exodus 30:23 amongst other verses, was wrongly translated into Greek to the word "calamus," a common marsh plant that had no place in the sacred anointing oil of Yahweh. She also shows very little knowledge of Christianity with her comments about alcohol which has been proven in study after study to be more harmful (and deadly) than cannabis. Does she run out of church screaming because wine is an integral part of mass? Does she realize that some of the finest ales and wines in Europe are made in monasteries? I hope she also feels as adamant about our society's fast food diet, filled with fats, empty carbs and sugars, which is making kids obese at a very young age and killing more people than all illegal drugs put together. Lyle Howard Seave Centre for Drug Reform, St.-Felicien, Que. ----- STOP WAXING CARS ON SUNDAY Erika Kubassek wrote that God opposes marijuana smoking as well as alcohol and tobacco, but it clearly states in the book of Genesis that God said "Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed . . . upon the earth," and it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed . . . and God saw that it was good." It is quite clear that marijuana, a seed-bearing plant, was created by God and was proclaimed to be good. God didn't say anything about smoking it or not smoking it, and there is simply no scriptural basis to decry it. Perhaps Ms. Kubassek, instead of accusing others of blasphemy for appreciating God's creation, should turn her attention to imperfect, manmade things such as internal-combustion-engine-powered automobiles, which many openly worship in the place of God, waxing them in their driveways on Sundays. Now there's blasphemy! David Findlay Portland, Ore. - --- MAP posted-by: Ariel