Pubdate: Tue, 23 Apr 2002
Source: Appleton Post-Crescent (WI)
Copyright: 2002 The Post-Crescent
Author: Susan Draves, (Drug Testing)
Bookmark: (Youth)


Nearly 200 Meet to Address Drug Use in Schools

KIMBERLY -- Random drug testing of student athletes plus new ways to 
empower students to refrain from drug use are part of a proposal presented 
Monday by Kimberly Area School District administrators.

Some 200 teachers, village officials and parents attended the Board of 
Education meeting in the high school gym.

A committee of administrators and teachers spent several months developing 
the proposal and gathering input from students and parents. The effort 
began after a Search Institute study revealed widespread drug and alcohol 
use by high school and middle school students.

Since November, 11 students have been expelled for possession or sale of 
prescription drugs or marijuana. Most have been readmitted after 
counseling, drug testing and random searches of the students and their 
vehicles, high school Principal Mike Rietveld said.

"We're not proud of this data," Supt. Mel Lightner said. "But we do not 
tolerate the possession or sale of drugs on this campus or on the middle 
school campus."

"The availability (of drugs) scares me," Paul Langenberg, high school 
policeschool liaison officer, told the group. "The community has to step 
forward and pressure them."

New policies of random drug testing of students in cocurricular activities, 
including sports, and for those who park vehicles on school grounds will be 
considered by the school board May 13. Failing a drug test would result in 
suspension from the activity or revocation of parking privileges.

Five districts in the state have a drug testing policy for cocurriculars, 
Lightner said. "We are going to make kids accountable."

As part of the proposal, dubbed Operation Clean, the district will notify 
students and parents about suspected drug use. Upon a parent's request, the 
district will conduct drug testing of a child, Lightner said.
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