Pubdate: Thu, 25 Apr 2002
Source: Denver Rocky Mountain News (CO)
Copyright: 2002, Denver Publishing Co.
Author: John Rampe


I write regarding the Tattered Cover's recent court victory, dealing with 
their right to withhold information concerning who buys books about 
methamphetamine labs.

Predictably, there's been jubilation in the media over this triumph for the 
First Amendment. Something about the bright light of freedom forestalling 
jackboots in our bedrooms. Sadly, I haven't seen much examination of 
whether the Tattered Cover (and owner Joyce Meskis) was right, in the sense 
of being socially responsible, in selling these books. Beyond 
constitutionality, was it ethical to sell books that encouraged and enabled 
a dangerous crime? What responsibility should Meskis bear, in terms of 
justifying to the communitym her choice in this matter?

And where, using the light of the First Amendment, would she discern the 
line between what should and should not be sold? Had Tim McVeigh given us a 
how-to manual on blowing up innocent people, should we have expected that 
to show up in the Tattered Cover?

Our Constitution is a blessed blueprint for respecting the rights of our 
fellow citizens in a free society. The rights it bestows come with 
responsibilities that are magnified by the lens of freedom. How to make 
moral, responsible choices is up to us. Meskis may have the right to sell 
these books, but that doesn't make it right to sell these books. She should 
now do the responsible thing and take them off the shelves.

John Rampe Lakewood
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