Pubdate: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 Source: Boulder Weekly (CO) Copyright: 2002 Boulder Weekly Contact: Details: Authors: Scott Chapple, Laurie Sampson, and Evan Ravitz YER IN TROUBLE I'm glad to see someone address the problem of U.A tests ("Drug test follies," cover story, April 18).Why is it you can get off work, hit the bar and get smashed on the drug alcohol and keep your job? Those employees are more likely to show up late and be less productive and more dangerous, if they show up at all. I do not take U.A tests. Just say no! What I do on my time is my business. When a company wants to pay me 24-7 for following their policy, then they will have the right to ask for piss. Until then, as long as one arrives to work sober and stays that way while on the clock and does a satisfactory job, there should be no questions nor expectations about your personal life. Scott Chapple, Nederland - ------------- Good article about the insanity of workplace drug-testing. I'm convinced that one of the biggest reasons for the war on drugs is that it cuts into the enormous profits made by the pharmaceutical industry. Rumsfeld was a big man for Searle, until his appointment to the Department of Death. Who better to launch the anti-non-big pharmaceutical propaganda and yet another pointless "not the drug we want you to buy" war? If everyone could grow a weed in the back yard that would help them with pain, nausea, appetite stimulation, muscle spasms, depression, etc., who would buy all the anti-depressants, anti-spasmodics, appetite stimulants, pain-relievers and anti-emetics being pushed by drug dealers such as Rumsfeld? Again, thanks for the article. Laurie Sampson, Boulder - ------------- Thanks to Ron Bain for the expose of drug "testing." That this industry actually encourages people to use "hard" drugs instead of pot to avoid detection is especially hideous. And a hearty thanks to the thousands of brave young souls who showed up at the University of Colorado's Farrand Field in a snowstorm on 4-20 at 4:20 to flout the despicable pot laws under the very eyes of the police! Readers will want to know of the new research published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal showing that light pot use resulted in an increase of 5.8 IQ points. Also of note is that our brains have "marijuana receptors" which show that humans evolved using cannabis. See, for example, this from the Harvard University site: Evan Ravitz, Boulder - --- MAP posted-by: Alex