Pubdate: Tue, 30 Apr 2002
Source: Denver Rocky Mountain News (CO)
Copyright: 2002, Denver Publishing Co.


BLOOMINGTON, Ind.- Ten Indiana University students were asleep or cramming 
for finals when police came to the door with arrest warrants.

"They were shocked," said Officer Dale Hannum, who coordinated a 
semester-long investigation that led to the arrests on marijuana charges 
early Monday. "They wanted to know why they couldn't go to their finals 
this morning."

All 10 students were charged with at least one Class D felony, which 
carries a minimum sentence of one year in jail. All 10 were also charged 
with drug-related misdemeanors. Three of the students were charged with 
felony possession of marijuana with intent to deal and felony cultivation 
of marijuana.

Hannum said he also expects to file charges in the next few days against 
another IU student for dealing cocaine, a Class A felony, and ecstasy, a 
Class B felony.

The mass arrest of students on drug-related charges was the second IU 
police have made this year. In December, 13 students were charged.

"There was definitely a ripple through the drug culture," Hannum said of 
the first series of arrests. "It didn't stop the problem, but it sure did 
slow it down."

During Monday morning's arrests, police confiscated more than 150 grams of 
marijuana, as well as numerous smoking devices and paraphernalia used to 
grow and distribute marijuana, according to Hannum.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart