Pubdate: Thu,  2 May 2002
Source: Denver Rocky Mountain News (CO)
Copyright: 2002, Denver Publishing Co.


BLOOMINGTON, Ind.- Several demonstrators picketed the Indiana University 
Police Department to register their displeasure with the recent arrests of 
11 students on drug-related charges.

A handful of people from the university's chapter of the Citizens Alliance 
for the Legalization of Marijuana stood outside the police station Thursday 
afternoon bearing signs, banners and pamphlets.

"Marijuana heals," one sign read. "IUPD needs to chill out," read another.

"The main thing I object to is that this was a punitive act toward the 
students, the timing of the arrests," said Mike Truelove, the group's 
executive director. "This was specifically targeted to disrupt these 
students' education, which is a punitive act."

Ten of the students were arrested early Monday morning following a 
semester-long investigation. All were charged with at least one felony and 
with drug-related misdemeanors.

Sophomore protester Felix Terkhorn called the offenses that sparked the 
arrests "minor," and said he believed the students could have been arrested 
either before or after finals week.

"I would hope the police become more compassionate," he said.

Lt. Jerry Minger said his officers can not be compassionate with 
law-breaking offenders.

He also disputed that officers made the arrests during finals weeks to toy 
with the students' education. Finals week is a better time to locate 
students and might be the last chance to make arrests before summer break, 
Minger said.

Officers also chose to make the arrests in the early morning hours because 
more students were likely to be home, he said, and elected to arrest 
everyone at once to eliminate the possibility that a suspect could be warned.
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