Pubdate: Fri, 03 May 2002
Source: The Dominion Post (WV)
Copyright: 2002 The Dominion Post
Author: Associated Press


CHARLESTON -- Police Chief Jerry Riffe said Thursday he has begun an 
internal investigation of allegations that police officers used racial 
profiling in an incident in which three black college students were pulled 
over, handcuffed and searched.

"We've had no complaint filed with us," Riffe said. "However, when we 
become aware of a situation like this when there is (a report of) excessive 
force or racial profiling used, we automatically initiate an internal 
investigation, which we've done."

The officers have said they were just doing their jobs when they pulled 
over the West Virginia State College students Tuesday night.

Police said the driver, Courtney Shannon, 22, of Chicago, was pulled over 
after committing traffic violations. Shannon was told he did not use a turn 
signal. Nine police officers, in uniform and street clothes, surrounded the 
car with guns drawn about 9:30 p.m. and ordered Shannon and the two 
passengers from the car. The students were handcuffed, forced to their 
knees and searched.

The students said an officer insisted someone had walked up to the car just 
before the men left a barber shop and that they took a plastic bag with 
something white in it from him.
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