Pubdate: Wed, 08 May 2002
Source: Surrey Now (CN BC)
Copyright: 2002 Lower Mainland Publishing Group Inc., A Canwest Company
Author: D. Nobert


The Editor,

Re: "Crack down on crack house," the Now, May 4.

I just amazes me that the mayor, RCMP, an MLA, etc. are so involved in one 
crack house. Our neighbourhood has had several over the last couple of 
years at three addresses on 138A Street. We had three others but the new 
owner who purchased one house removed the vermin that were selling drugs 
there; the other two decided to leave in the middle of the night after a 
discussion with some anonymous good citizens who were called in to assist us.

The first one is dealing to all the surrounding houses, as I have followed 
him to see where he goes and he delivers to the dealers at the convenience 
store parking lots, Tim Hortons on 96th and King George Highway, 7-Eleven, 
as well as some other dealers lurking around the SkyTrain station.

All political and government offices have been informed yet these drug 
dealers are still here. In our neighbourhood we have had numerous attempted 
and successful break-ins to our vehicles, houses and garages. There have 
been numerous fights in the streets, all drug related. I have picked up so 
many used needles and condoms from this street I have lost count. I watched 
the RCMP bust one house and within three minutes they were back dealing again.

As for charging the landlord, this idea is a farce. The landlord of one 
house evicted his tenants and she took him to the Residential Tenancy 
Branch and appealled. She was evicted because of damage to his property 
(two fires inside the house, broken windows, destroyed carpets and blinds). 
She won her appeal and is allowed to stay because the landlord didn't 
present evidence of the property damage and was told that he'd have to 
evict them again on the drug dealing and give his evidence at that hearing, 
so we will have to wait another two months to get rid of the occupants of 
this house.

The seniors on this street have a healthy fear of this neighbourhood, which 
is too bad because they have lived here most of their lives. The young 
families don't want to get involved for fear of repercussions from these 
dealers, and the landlords get shut down at arbitration. People come up to 
us when we get out of our vehicles in our yard and ask us if we want to buy 
crack or weed and they deal right in my yard - so why is it so hard to get 
these people?

All of these houses are within one block of two elementary schools, but 
apparently the safety of the kids and the surrounding neighbours are not 
reason enough to get these people out. Perhaps when we have our own House 
of Horrors here that will rate immediate attention, then all involved can 
pat themselves on the back for doing such a fine job on bringing it down 
and making it safe for all who live here.

D. Nobert

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