Pubdate: Sat, 11 May 2002
Source: Denver Rocky Mountain News (CO)
Copyright: 2002, Denver Publishing Co.
Author: Jerry Hurley


The News article of April 27 by John L. Kane, "America in a fix," paints a 
very sad picture of dope in the U.S. But, take heart! For each and every 
dopehead there are more than three people who have their heads screwed on 

Dopeheads do not vote and thus have little to say about their own fate. 
They are not competing for much of the American Dream and they are fairly 
easy to control. It is a little expensive when they steal or destroy too 
much or when they turn themselves into vegetables so that society has to 
feed and water them. Meanwhile, the decision-makers of our nation are quite 
happy to let some excess people go down the tubes.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart