Pubdate: Mon, 13 May 2002
Source: Prince George Citizen (CN BC)
Copyright: 2002 Prince George Citizen
Author: Bernice Trick, Citizen staff
Bookmark: (Treatment)
Bookmark: (Women)
Bookmark: (Methadone)
Bookmark: (Heroin)


The Methadone Clinic in Prince George is so busy it can't take any more 
clients until there's a second doctor on board, said founder Bill Leslie.

"We have 40 to 50 new clients that want to get onto the program, but we 
have to turn them away at this time," said Leslie, who's searching for a 
doctor who'll serve at the clinic one day every two weeks.

Dr. Ian Postnikoff comes to the MetaClinic, 825 Second Ave. three days a week.

"He's caring for 100 clients, and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of 
B.C. say that's enough for one doctor," said Leslie.

"I've approached a lot of doctors in the city, but they are all too 
overworked. It's not that they're not interested. They just don't have 
time," Leslie said.

The methadone clinic was established in October, 1999, to treat addicts of 
mind or mood-altering drugs.

In an earlier interview, clinic registered nurse June Postnikoff said once 
clients stabilize, the methadone is decreased by two to five milligrams per 

She said methadone works because it coats the drug receptors in the brain, 
stopping the craving of drugs like heroin and easing withdrawal symptoms.

The clinic has served about 350 clients since it opened, and the success 
rate has been great, said Leslie.

"We measure the success rate by the number of clients who have returned to 
school and employment, and by the numbers of clients who've continued to 
stay clean.

"We have a number of clients who've been clean for one to 1 1/2 years, and 
some have become successful mothers with healthy babies, " said Leslie, who 
pegs the success rate at about 80%.

"There are a few clients that returned to drugs for one reason or another, 
but most have returned to the program and have regained control of their 
lives," Leslie said.

"But anyone who's trying to get back on the program right now is out of 
luck until we find a doctor," said Leslie. "We're looking for another 
doctor for the Nanaimo clinic as well," said Leslie.
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