Pubdate: Sun, 19 May 2002
Source: New York Times (NY)
Copyright: 2002 The New York Times Company
Section: International
Author: Juan Forero


BOGOTA, Colombia, May 18 - He has already survived one assassination 
attempt this year, so Alvaro Uribe's run for the presidency has been 
especially cautious, even in this war-ravaged country. Public appearances 
have been minimal, mainly teleconferences with select audiences or low-key 
meetings with small groups of businessmen, all confined to this capital city.

It is not an ideal way to campaign.

But Mr. Uribe, an ultraconservative candidate whose promise to crack down 
on leftist rebels has resonated with a conflict-weary populace, still holds 
a commanding lead in the polls with a week to go before an election that is 
being closely watched in Washington. Indeed, Mr. Uribe, a lawyer and expert 
horseman from northern Colombia, is expected to receive nearly 50 percent 
of the vote in next Sunday's election, 20 percentage points more than his 
nearest rival, Horacio Serpa, and nearly the majority needed to avoid a 
June 16 runoff.

But while Mr. Uribe will almost surely become the next president, what is 
less certain is what effects his policies would have on this country and 
what they would mean for the United States, which has provided nearly $2 
billion in mostly military aid since 2000.

What Mr. Uribe, 49, a former governor and senator from Antioquia province 
province who has completed courses at Harvard and Oxford, prescribes is a 
break from the policies of the current president, Andres Pastrana. Mr. 
Pastrana, whose peace talks with rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces 
of Colombia, or FARC, collapsed earlier this year, is barred under the 
Constitution from seeking re-election.

Pledging to become "the first soldier of Colombia" in a campaign against 
leftist rebels, Mr. Uribe promises to double the size of the army's combat 
force and the police and to organize one million villagers to serve as 
informants, some of them armed. He also has cast himself as a corruption 
fighter who will free up government funds for his programs.

"We are going to work hard to strengthen the capacity of the state to 
protect the citizenry and control the violent ones," Mr. Uribe said 
recently, as his heavily protected motorcade sped from a campaign event. 
"This is a country that has suffered very much from violence and kidnapping 
and we are going to put a stop to this problem."

The United States, he said, will play a central role because Colombia is 
counting on military hardware and training so Colombian troops can better 
fight the rebels. Currently American aid can only go toward operations to 
counter drugs, but the Bush administration is pressing Congress to allow 
American-trained soldiers and equipment to be used directly against the 

Mr. Uribe, some American lawmakers believe, is the appropriate caretaker 
for that policy. "We feel that he would be an action-type president," said 
Representative Cass Ballenger, a North Carolina Republican on the 
International Relations Committee. "I think President Pastrana was a heck 
of a nice guy. He dedicated himself to making peace, but they took 
advantage of him. I don't think Uribe is that kind of guy."

Indeed, Mr. Uribe - whose campaign slogan is "firm hand, big heart" - is 
seen as a leader tailor-made for this chaotic country. The rebels, clearly 
feeling threatened, carried out a street bombing on April 14 that damaged 
Mr. Uribe's passing motorcade, killing four bystanders but leaving him 

Mr. Uribe's lead in the polls is a testament to Colombian fatigue with a 
grinding 38-year conflict.

Voters seem to be overlooking the fact that Mr. Uribe is an independent 
candidate representing the far right in a centrist country where only 
Liberal or Conservative party politicians have won national office. Mr. 
Uribe and his Colombia First movement have the support of 55 of 102 
senators and 97 of 165 representatives, according to a survey of Colombia's 
Congress by the University of Los Andes.

Mr. Uribe has mined Colombian frustration for months, criticizing Mr. 
Pastrana's peace efforts and harshly denouncing the FARC rebels for 
practically every atrocity, like the May 2 rebel rocket attack on a church 
that killed 117 civilians. His own personal loss in the conflict - his 
father was slain by the guerrillas in 1983 - has also struck a chord.

"This is the first time we Colombians feel there is someone who is going to 
give us back what is ours," said Luis Guillermo Henao, 40, a civil engineer 
who plans to vote for Mr. Uribe. "Uribe is the response to the crisis."

But Mr. Uribe's ability to deliver on his promises will not be easy.

His scheme to add 50,000 combat troops to the 55,000 the army already has, 
along with doubling the size of the National Police to 200,000 officers, 
could cost up to $1 billion a year - a heavy increase in a country with an 
annual budget of $27 billion.

"Aside from that business over reducing corruption, the president 
nearly-elect has not said from where the money will come," Hernando Gomez 
Buendia, a leading columnist at Semana magazine, wrote last week.

Mr. Uribe has also worried human rights groups, who believe that his 
policies may come at a steep price for Colombia's fragile democracy.

During his governorship of Antioquia from 1995 to 1997, illegal right-wing 
paramilitary groups thrived, working with some military units in their 
brutal campaign against guerrillas. Two generals in the region - Rito Alejo 
del Rio and Fernando Millan - were fired by President Pastrana for rights 
abuses, and Mr. del Rio's visa to travel to the United States was canceled.

Yet, Mr. Uribe continues to support Mr. del Rio, having used him as an 
adviser on military matters even though the former general is under 
investigation in Colombia. In a meeting late last year with Jose Miguel 
Vivanco, director of operations in Latin America for Human Rights Watch, 
Mr. Uribe also expressed disagreement with Mr. Pastrana's decision to force 
out other high-ranking officers who were believed to have ties to the 

While Mr. Uribe has incorporated into his speeches the need to battle 
paramilitaries, Mr. Vivanco said he has doubts about his sincerity. "The 
question is," Mr. Vivanco said, "can he convince Colombia and the 
international community that he is committed to fighting right-wing 
paramilitary groups?"

Mr. Uribe has also faced questions about his past associations. His father 
was friendly with Fabio Ochoa, the now-deceased father of three brothers 
who were among Colombia's most fearsome drug traffickers a decade ago. His 
closest aide during his governorship of Antioquia was Pedro Juan Moreno, 
who was investigated by United States officials because his company had 
imported into Colombia a suspicious shipment of chemicals that could have 
been used for cocaine production.

The candidate said there was nothing inappropriate about these 
relationships, noting that Mr. Moreno was never charged and that his 
father's friendship with the elder Ochoa was based on mutual love of 
horses. "For 30 years," he said, "I have simply been an honest politician."

Mr. Uribe - to most voters viewed as transparent, bookish and earnest about 
solving Colombia's myriad problems - hammers home the need to end 
corruption and reform government, saying that the money saved would allow 
for the construction of schools and improvement of government services.

"The candidacy of Alvaro Uribe has generated enormous expectations," said 
Elisabeth Ungar, a political scholar at Los Andes. "I just think it is 
going to be very difficult to reach those heights, not just because of 
resources - everyone knows the country's difficult situation - but also 
because of the political situation."
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart