Pubdate: Mon, 20 May 2002 Source: Leader, The (NY) Copyright: 2002, The Leader Contact: Details: Author: Kevin Tampone Bookmark: (Drug Courts) TREATMENT COURT SET TO BEGIN IN SEPTEMBER BATH - A new court planned for Steuben County will apply theories from alternative criminal courts to child abuse, neglect and custody issues. The new system, called a family treatment court, will be operational by September. The inspiration for the court came from the state's 40 drug courts, which are fast becoming an institution. The state's chief judge has asked all 62 counties to establish a drug court by the end of 2004, but other new justice systems have been springing up as well. Family courts have been one focus of intense scrutiny in recent years, as state court officials have been making attempts to simplify the process for those involved. Because of the complex nature of the cases, people often wind up spending time in county-level family and criminal courts and the state Supreme Court. Steuben's new family treatment court attempts to simply the process. Although it is still in the planning stages, the court likely will focus exclusively on neglect or abuse matters where a child's parent or guardian is addicted to drugs or alcohol, said Teresa Pare, an assistant county attorney. Pare and several others recently attended a training conference on family treatment courts in Syracuse and are now beginning to establish the procedures and policies for Steuben's system. For parents committed to recovering from addictions and maintaining a relationship with their children, the treatment court has numerous advantages, Pare said. "This is a great way to keep them on track," she said. "It also lets us keep better track of them and monitor their progress." The court will probably function like a drug treatment court. Participants likely will have to appear for weekly updates and be subject to treatment and random drug-testing requirements. The attorneys, judge and counselors also will be required to be present whenever the court is in session. Supporters of drug courts say one of the system's biggest advantages is that it allows all sides involved in a case to get the same information from a defendant at the same time. By requiring participants to be present weekly, judges are also immediately aware of problems or relapses and can take quicker action to handle those issues. Steuben County also is currently planning a drug court, which organizers say will be running by the end of this year. - --- MAP posted-by: Alex