Pubdate: Wed, 22 May 2002
Source: Guardian, The (UK)
Copyright: 2002 Guardian Newspapers Limited
Author: Alan Travis


Tolerance Is Watchword As Legalisation Is Rejected

Ecstasy, the dance drug used by thousands every weekend, should be 
downgraded from the class A status it shares with heroin and cocaine, 
according to the results of a year-long official inquiry into Britain's 
drug laws published today.

The long-awaited report by the Commons home affairs committee, chaired by 
the former Labour minister Chris Mullin also marks the first official 
recognition that for most young people drug abuse is "a passing phase" that 
"rarely results in long-term harm" and that criminal punishment should be 
reserved for the dealers.

The MPs want to see the creation of a new offence of "supply for gain" so 
that the penalties imposed by the courts can distinguish between the 
large-scale commercial dealer and "social dealing" among friends.

The landmark report also marks the first time that politicians in Britain 
have recognised that the case for legalisation is being put forward by 
"sensible and thoughtful people".

Although they say no to legalisation, the MPs concede that a future 
generation might take a different view and the government should initiate 
an international debate now on whether legalisation could tackle the global 
drug problem.

As expected the report endorses the home secretary's decision to relax the 
laws on cannabis.

The MPs also call for a radical extension of NHS heroin prescribing in 
Britain that would undercut the illegal market in class A drugs and 
drug-related crime, and for the immediate provision of European-style 
"shooting galleries" - safe-injecting rooms - that would take the most 
chronic addicts off the street.

Their proposals go much further than the limited extension of heroin 
prescribing to hardcore addicts put forward by the home secretary, David 

"We have to face the fact that, whether we like it or not, large numbers of 
young people take drugs," said Mr Mullin.

"As far as users are concerned, our priorities should be realistic 
education, readily available treatment and harm reduction. Above all we 
have to focus on that relatively small minority of drug users who are 
making a misery of their own lives and those of others.

"The criminal law should be reserved primarily for dealers. Government 
policy is already moving in that direction and I hope this report will 
encourage ministers to go further."

But last night Mr Blunkett, who tried to pre-empt the inquiry by announcing 
his decision to relax the law on cannabis, claimed that similar action on 
ecstasy or on injecting rooms was not on the agenda.

"Ecstasy can, and does, kill unpredictably and there is no such thing as a 
safe dose. I believe it should remain class A. Reclassification of ecstasy 
is not on the government's agenda," said Mr Blunkett.

"I have already made clear that I want to see an appropriate extension of 
prescribing heroin. However, there are no plans for injecting rooms," he said.

But the home secretary said he welcomed the report's focus on education and 
ways of minimising the harm caused by drugs and announced that he would 
publish an updated drug policy programme covering dealing, addiction, 
cannabis and harm minimisation before the end of July.

The Home Office also distanced itself yesterday from two "announcements" by 
the education secretary, Estelle Morris, designed to deflect attention from 
today's report, involving far tougher penalties for drug dealers who 
operate near schools and to use "shock videos" in drug education.

The Home Office said it had already looked at the school drug dealing point 
but all the evidence was that the courts were already giving heavier 
sentences to dealers who sold to children.

Support for the home affairs select committee report came last night from 
the police, drug charities and the Liberal Democrats.

The police superintendents' association said it welcomed the shift in 
emphasis from enforcement to harm reduction and backed the call for the new 
"supply for gain" offence.

Roger Howard of Drugscope, the leading drug charity, said it was "the next 
steps for drug policy in Britain" and he hoped the government would begin 
the long-overdue modernisation of the drug laws.

Simon Hughes, for the Liberal Democrats, said it was unfortunate the MPs 
had not gone further and recommended the end of prosecutions for personal 
possession and use of cannabis.

Conservative MP David Cameron, who sat on the inquiry, said: "Drugs policy 
in this country has been failing for decades. I hope that our report will 
encourage fresh thinking and a new approach."
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