Pubdate: Thu, 23 May 2002
Source: Daily Home, The (AL)
Copyright: 2002 Consolidated Publishing
Contact:  or


All too often, officials attack the problems they face as if they are the 
only ones who face them. They think of them as location specific rather 
than one that knows no borders. Drugs is one of those problems. It's not a 
war to be declared only in Childersburg or Talladega or Sylacauga. Across 
the river, it's not a battle just in Pell City or Moody. These are efforts 
that need a regional attack plan in order to get drugs off the streets of 
towns and cities and counties across the area and keep them off.

St. Clair officials long ago formed a drug task force for their judicial 
circuit, recognizing that officers working together from all corners of the 
county could make a greater impact than simultaneous efforts working alone.

Talladega County is doing likewise, and that is an encouraging sign. 
Officials are soliciting financial support from cities, towns and the 
County Commission en route to a task force whose membership will reflect 
the entire county, not just parts of it.

By banding together, state-of-the-art equipment is more affordable, 
information across the county can be shared, making investigations more 
comprehensive, and a show of unity in purpose in law enforcement can be an 
effective deterrent to would-be drug dealers.

The push for a task force needs the support of all governmental entities in 
the county, but it also needs the support of the people. This elusive war 
on drugs will remain just that - elusive - unless all work together toward 
bringing it to an end.

A drug task force that encourages and gets support from both arenas, 
government and the people, is a huge step toward winning the battle and the 
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MAP posted-by: Beth